Classical ProcessBestFreeChoice ProcessImplementation - The projet
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An easier implementation

logistics implementation is easier, due to the choice platform

BestFreeChoice's platform automatically calculates the charges for the logistics implementation of the selected solution.
The logistics implementation project is usually materialized by a service contract signed between the software vendor and the customer.
Charges are computed from the informations provided in the customer's request for proposal.

Steering the logistic implementation of the selected software

To guarantee the proposed choice, BestFreeChoice commits to follow the logistic implementation project, on behalf of the customer, and assumes the quality of project director overseeing the 2 other project managers.
BestFreeChoice's prestation will ensure the proper compliance with the request for proposal by the logistic implementation's teams of the customer and the vendor
A monthly steering committee with all the project stakeholders will be established to evaluate the logistic implementation
This steering prestation is billed to the customer, and planned upon the customer's agreement with BestFreeChoice.

Our teams made of logistic implementation's professionals guaranty to write a new supply chain succes story with all the stakeholders !

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